Codex 014: First Rule of Fight Caves
In Logan's ongoing quest to get Phil interested in playing Old School RuneScape, today we're talking about the Fight Caves underneath a volcano and the denizens therein. We talk about our boy Jad, Phil's boy Guthan, something called "prayer-flicking" (it's not what you think), and of course capes.
Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap, Take Five, Five Gum, Axe Body Spray, Defunctland, Disney Channel Jingle, Fight Club, Fight Cave, Jad, Big Dumb Swords, Bats, Blobs, Rangers, Italy Rock, Capes, My Boy Guthen, Volcanos, Cities, More Cool Capes, Eels, Onyx Jewelry, Using Your Old Gods as Currency.
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