Codex 013: Bionicle Chronicle

Podcast Jul 25, 2024

"This will be a short one," Phil said to himself. "An episode about a toy I enjoyed playing with as a child! How extensive could the lore be for a 33-piece Lego set? It's been a busy weekend, so I'll just write up some quick notes for a tight 40 minute chat."

Hubris is thy name, dear reader.

Thomas the Tank Engine, Bionicle, Maori cultural names, Boneheads of Voodoo Island (yikes), Lego, Childhood Nostalgia for Action Figure Building Kits, the Pilot Model 402 Stapler, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, Puzzles, 1947, 1963, 2014, Sophomore English Class, Determinism, Destiny, Dragonball, Gundam, Amnesia, The Mask of Light, Power Rangers, Bohrok Insectoid Bionicle, A Big Ass Robot Fusing A Planet Back Together With the Power of Friendship (and Protodermis)

Find us online:
Pilot Model 402
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes
Bionicle: Quest for Mata Nui
Bionicle: Masks of Power

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013 Bionicle


Phil Bothun

One half of 70% Complete. Previously a UX designer, woodworker, copywriter, set designer, and plumber. Mostly just a dad now.